
Third Order Lay Carmelites (T.O.Carm)

Contact Information:
M9B 4T2
Lisa Perl


Known As:
Third Order Lay Carmelites of Ontario / NY Region

Mission Statement:
The Lay Carmelite Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary (historically known as the Third Order) is an association mainly of laypersons. Its members, responding to a special call of God, freely and deliberately commit themselves, “to live in the following of Jesus Christ,” according to the charism, traditions and spirit of Carmel under the authority of the Prior General of the Carmelite Order. The members, though not in Religious Life, choose to live out their baptismal commitment according to the spirit of the Carmelite Order. Members are brothers and sisters of the Carmelite Family and sharers in the same call to holiness and in the same mission of the Carmelite Order.
