
St. Bernadette's Family Resource Centre

Contact Information:
23 McAdam Ave
M6A 1S4
(416) 654-9810
Ms. Angela Carboni


Known As:

Mission Statement:
Founder’s Note I felt that it was important for me to take the time and share the miraculous story of the formation of St. Bernadette’s Family Resource Center. It was initiated out of love for His children by our Lord. In 1987 I was introduced to a spiritual woman who did not know anything about my life before she met me. At this point of my life, I had a small child, very little faith and a lot of confusion and difficulties. The lady that I had met was aware through the grace of God, of all my difficulties. Not only was she able to confirm my fears and my personal problems, but was sent to me as God’s messenger to renew and revive my lost faith. In 1987, after suffering much heartache and losing a job, the Lord sent me a messenger to inform me that my life was going to change. He had a mission that He wanted me to complete called St. Bernadette’s. This would be successful if I focused on prayer and followed His guidance. I was told at that time that I would establish this agency for children and that I would receive a sign from God as to when it would begin. After this amazing grace which opened my heart to God’s love, who was so desperately trying to enter my life, I begun to form a close relationship with Jesus. I had begun as a small child. Unfortunately, due to a bad encounter in the church I had drifted far away. The words that were given to me by the Lord’s messenger touched me profoundly, and I re-entered into my spiritual journey. At this time I had a second son. My two boys and I spent most of our time together. Not working at this time in my life, gave me a lot of time to soul search and establish a close relationship with my Lord. In October 1990, I was blessed with the sign that I so desperately wanted to see. I saw an image of Jesus in the middle of the night all in gold. At this time, another young lady had also experienced seeing the same image. I knew that our vision was an announcement that the Lord was making, and yet at the time, I was not sure what he was attempting to tell me. Shortly after, desperately needing a second income, I returned to work. I looked all over for a job, one that would allow me to resume the position of Executive Director. Jesus sent me to see first hand the needs of the children He so passionately loves. Thanks to our Lord, I worked for the Toronto Association of Community Living, who sponsored my proposal and supported St. Bernadette’s in the initial stages. When Jesus has a plan it gets done! Throughout the history of St. Bernadette’s, the charity has grown step-by-step. From the very initial stages to present, we walk hand in hand with Jesus presenting Him with our needs and watching Him shower His direction and love to angels who come our way. For the first four years I had very little or no funds to begin the charity and individuals volunteered their time to type, perform accounting services, be on the Board of Directors, as well as fundraise for the cause of the special people we serve. By the grace of the Holy Spirit and through His guidance and Divine Providence, St. Bernadette’s has established itself to where it is today – a registered charity established in the community to serve and integrate special needs and “able” children. I feel it is important for all to know that the Lord never ceases to perform His miracles and send His special people to work here so that we have the privilege to share His love, and spread it to all who need His support through our services. We believe that children are a heritage from God and a blessing from His hand. As a Catholic Charities member agency we are proud to serve the whole community and not to turn anyone away. The Lord has always provided and will continue to do so. In conclusion, I would like to share this closing thought: One evening in one of my dreams I saw myself asking the Lord to heal an individual who was handicapped. The message I was given was, “He is not in need of healing for he is a teacher of many and I thank all my children who have taken this cross. Tell them that they are great teachers. They were born to teach the world how to think with their hearts.” Please know that you are welcome to join us in the miracle of St. Bernadette’s Family Resource Centre. With Love, Your Servant in Christ Jesus Angie Carboni

Advocacy and Promotion - Social Justice
Other - Inclusive Parent relief programs for youth children and adults with intellectual /physical challenges
Outreach - Special Needs
Outreach - Youth and Children
Prayer and Spirituality - Retreat Experiences
Prayer and Spirituality - Spiritual retreats for children, youth