
Focolare Movement

Contact Information:
3 Corbridge Crt.
M9R 2N9
(416) 270-7311
Vincent & Maria Luca


Known As:
Work of Mary

Mission Statement:
Founder Chiara Lubich (1920 – 2008) was inspired by Jesus’ last prayer “That all may be one” (Jn. 17, 21). She said “We were born for these words, for unity, to give our contribution to its realization in the world.” Charism Advocacy and Promotion •Dialogue within Catholic Church / Christian Churches / World Religions / No Religious Affiliation / Culture Education and Formation •Family, Youth and Children Prayers and Spirituality •Spirituality of Communion •Mariapolis, Retreats and Conferences Social Project

Other - Unity and dialogue at all levels of social relationships and walks of life, amongst Christians, believers of other religions, and people of no particular religious conviction.
Prayer and Spirituality - Retreats, conferences and various other programs for all ages and walks of life, animated by the Focolare's spirituality of communion.