
Daughters of Isabella

Contact Information:
1704-60 Exeter Rd.
L1S 2K2
Ms. Monique (Kelly) Beaudoin

Website: /

Known As:

Mission Statement:
The Order of the Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organization of Catholic women founded on the principle of its motto: Unity, Friendship and Charity. We come together as a sisterhood to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church, bringing spiritual benefits to our members and contributing to the common good of humanity. By our faith we are called to serve, inspired and challenged to do God's work. We are committed to foster individual participation by way of mutual understanding, charitable activities and social interaction. As we strive for the development of all that is best and truest in womanhood, we emerge in our communities as a positive influence to uphold the high ideals of life and morals

Advocacy and Promotion - Ecumenism
Advocacy and Promotion - Pro Life
Advocacy and Promotion - Social Justice
Advocacy and Promotion - Vocations
Education & Formation - Catechesis Programs (RCIA, Sacraments)
Education & Formation - Family Life Programs (Marriage Enrichment, Singles, Engaged, Separated)
Education & Formation - Health Care / Life Issues (Family Planning, Sexuality)
Outreach - Elderly
Outreach - Immigrants & Refugees
Outreach - Poor / Homeless
Outreach - Sick / Homebound
Outreach - Special Needs
Outreach - Youth and Children
Prayer and Spirituality - Charismatic
Prayer and Spirituality - Conferences and Workshops
Prayer and Spirituality - Marian
Prayer and Spirituality - Retreat Experiences